This is the third blog post in a series explaining the topics of my talk Don’t Rewrite your framework at TropitalRails.
Rails Association Callbacks
Value Objects in Rails
This is the second blog post in a series explaining the topics of my talk Don’t Rewrite your framework at TropitalRails.
Multistep Validations with Active Model
This is the first blog post in a series explaining the topics of my talk Don’t Rewrite your framework at TropitalRails.
Elixir Type System Talk References
Next weekend in São Paulo, I will be presenting a talk about the new Elixir type system at the event Elixir Days. Below, I provide the references I used
Ruby tip: dig methods your best friends
It’s probably that you needed to go through by some hash or array like the below:
The 100% code coverage trap
Maybe one of the most appreciate metrics for programmers is the code coverage. This percentage determines how much of the testing coverage your project has. A bit of programmer really cares about what this number means, let’s talk about it.
Quick vim tip: Change vim's behaviour for each kind of file
We navigate on many different kinds of files every day. If you work in web projects your daily routine probably involves at least four kinds of file, HTML, CSS, Javascript and your language to the backend.
How Elixir's pattern matching works
In the previous post, we’ve started to learn about Elixir’s history and functional programming. Today I’m gonna explain one of the most important concepts: pattern matching.
Introduction to Elixir
Today I wanna start a post series with the topic Learning Elixir. This is the first post to introduce this wonderful technology.
Hello World
The simplest program that you’re able to write in any language is the famous “Hello World”. Thinking in this way I’d like to begin with my own Hello World by here.